


My name is Sue, and I live in north Texas. I’m in the middle of the pack as far as the baby boom years go. Aging is here to stay, but I’m still too young for some Senior discounts.

Sometimes opportunities are blessings and sometimes they are disappointments. I found myself on the disappointment side of opportunity when my spouse’s job moved us to a small town in a different state. I tried for months to find a job in my field. I worked some fill-in jobs. I was miserable and disappointed and just sad about how things had worked out for me. I am now reluctantly retired but still a few years away from Social Security.

What to do? Obviously, start a blog. So, here it is. My blog is about money, food, learning, politics, and other interesting things I find along the way.


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Sue! I clicked the follow button– I am into just about all the categories you have listed–especially the cooking for 2 and DIY formulas.. and fugal solutions… and gardening…and crafts and really just about all your categories (except politics — I didn’t even look there–I fight that fight every morning over coffee with my other-side-of-the-aisle husband). So thank you!

    Thanks too for keeping the individual posts’ photos manageable. Yours are big enough to be helpful but not so big they are slow-loading, and there are not so many that they get in the way and make the post hard to get through. Your use of them seems to be just right. Regards, THW


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